Tuesday, June 15, 2010

27week doc appointment

Well, I had another appointment with Dr. B today.  Went pretty good.  Here are the highlights:

  • Doc was happy with my blood sugars - 100% fasting within range and 95% of my 1-hour-after-eating were within range.
  • I'm only up 2lbs for the whole pregnancy.  This wasn't news to me, and I actually asked him about it 'cause it seems ridiculous and slightly worrysome.  He said he was fine with it - that baby seems to be growing just fine and as long as I'm not starving myself or anything, it's okay.  Still very strange to me.  I know many preggo people who hate me for this.... but I gotta say it's a little stressful!
  • Blood pressure was 118/64 - good!
  • Talked about my kidney stone.  He was glad it passed, and put an order in for me to see a urologist at some point (probably after the kid gets here or something) to talk about the analysis of this stone and if there are any tips to preventing them in the future.
  • Measured my belly - he didn't tell me "how many weeks" it was measuring, but said it looked just right.
  • Listened to Colby's heartbeat.  As he does at home, he was wiggling around and using the doppler for target practice, which we both laughed about.  Finally got a chance to hear it for a good amount of time and Dr. B said it sounded just fine.
  • Talked about the implications of GD.  I think I'll do another post for this, 'cause it's going to get long (not that I'm known for short posts).
  • I'm slightly anemic (which is normal for pregnancy), so I've gotta start taking iron supplements twice a day.  Add that to all the other pills I take! :-)
  • Next week's appointment isn't necessary, so I see Dr. B again on 7/7 - the day after he gets back from his vacation in France - and I'll be 30 weeks!  Eek!

1 comment:

  1. I had to start taking iron pills about 2 weeks ago too!
