Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Gender poll!

I've posted a gender poll.  Time to start guessing!  We won't find out until the end of April or so..... but time is flying - so it will be here before we know it!

Here's my stats lately (in case you believe in any old wives tales or it will help you!):
  • No morning sickness
  • Aversion to chicken (eeeeeew)
  • Can't stand the smell of tortillas - even the thought of the smell (which is sad 'cause I usually LOVE mexican food)
  • Carrots are supremely delicious to me these days
  • I have craved both sweet (ie. Slurpees) and salty (ie. Baked Cheetos)
  • I have three friends due in July who have found out the sex of their babies lately.  Two are having boys, one is having a girl. 
  • Baby's heart rate last night was 162 - 164 (at 12 weeks)
  • I had some indigestion a while back.... but none lately

Feel free to ask other questions about my pregnancy so far..... I know I'm not thinking of everything.... and maybe you have some secret way of telling boy or girl! :-)

Ps.  Leave comments about the gender you picked and why - I'm intrigued! :-)


  1. Girl! Just coz when I picture you guys holding the baby, and doing fun things with said baby, it's always a cute, big-eye, super blonde (i don't know), little girl!!

  2. Hahaha. Well, we're both brown haired..... so blonde may be a stretch (though my brother, who was born to brown haired parents, was toe blonde). :-) We'll see!

  3. I seriously have no clue... I keep going back and forth. So I will have to keep thinking about this one. Although this summer when I found out David and Tresura were preggo, I knew it was a boy. A couple months later, Nicole told me yep, its a boy. So I will let you know when it comes to me! :)
