I've hit 16 weeks today! Can't believe how quickly it's going.... yet at the same time it feels like forever 'til we'll get to meet little "Eggo"!
This week, Eggo is the size of a (large) avacado:
This is fitting, 'cause we're having guacamole with dinner tonight!
"Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender."
Speaking of ultrasound..... ours is April 19th! 19 days away! (two weeks from this coming Monday!)
We can't wait! We've been throwing around some names, but figured we'd wait to get serious until we have a better guess at boy or girl. BUT.... we won't be sharing those names!!! We have decided to keep it a secret 'til the baby comes - so we'll keep referring to the baby as "Eggo"!
I failed at getting a picture up lately. Maybe I'll see when the most recent picture was taken and throw it on the blog. Or... we'll take one this weekend! We're headed to Portland for the weekend, which we're excited about. We'll get to see family (hopefully both mine and his), and participate in the annual Easter Brunch (always a good time!). My family hasn't seen me since I was about 10 weeks preggo - so I think they'll notice a slight change!
Also.... we should be picking up our crib and dresser this weekend! Jimmy joked that he'll get home from work on Monday and they'll both be put together. I don't think that will be the case. The nursery is currently my craft room and A) I still have a bunch of crafts to do for all the friends I have that are expecting babies soon and B) I need to clean out the room (move the craft stuff to who knows where) before we can move any baby stuff in.
So.... maybe he'll get home to a cleaned out nursery?! Haha. Who am I joking.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
An official craving
Well... I figure once you've eaten something almost every day for the last week, you should probably qualify it as a craving, right?!
That is how I am with strawberries right now. I seriously think about them constantly, and have been eating them morning, noon, and night!
This weekend I took the craving to a whole new level - I baked a marbled strawberry cheesecake, made two types of chocolate covered strawberries to go with, and made strawberry crepes for dinner tonight.
I guess there are worse things I could be craving / obsessed over.... right?!
That is how I am with strawberries right now. I seriously think about them constantly, and have been eating them morning, noon, and night!
This weekend I took the craving to a whole new level - I baked a marbled strawberry cheesecake, made two types of chocolate covered strawberries to go with, and made strawberry crepes for dinner tonight.
I guess there are worse things I could be craving / obsessed over.... right?!
the cheesecake / choco strawberries - they were a hit at the UFC fight party we went to!
the strawberry crepes... with a side of ice cream, of course!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
No wonder....
.... I feel like I'm stretching out like crazy. Eggo is expected to grow 0.6 inches by next Wednesday!!! Holy growth spurt!
Granted.... the amount of food I'm eating lately may also have something to do with these feelings... but I also just feel like my insides are stretching (lovely, I know).
Oh, and I'm tired... like first trimester tired. I thought I was supposed to have tons of energy during the second trimester?! That lasted about a week and a half.....
I do enjoy looking in the mirror and seeing this strange belly looking back at me. It's still completely surreal.... and exciting all at the same time!
Granted.... the amount of food I'm eating lately may also have something to do with these feelings... but I also just feel like my insides are stretching (lovely, I know).
Oh, and I'm tired... like first trimester tired. I thought I was supposed to have tons of energy during the second trimester?! That lasted about a week and a half.....
I do enjoy looking in the mirror and seeing this strange belly looking back at me. It's still completely surreal.... and exciting all at the same time!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
An orange!
Well, I'm 15 weeks today! Can't believe how the time flies. To start this week, Eggo is the size of a naval orange! This is crazy to me!!!!
"Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements."
We are continuing to notice changes in the belly size. I'll try to take a picture sometime in the next couple days so you can see if we're right, or just full of it! :-)
Jimmy's 25th birthday is Friday! Don't really know how we'll celebrate... and he has demanded no gifts from me. So maybe dinner?!
We've had awesome weather the last couple days, which has been very enjoyable. I wish it would stay, but they're predicting some rain tomorrow and for who knows how long.
Wishing I was in Death Valley with my family right now.... but I'll take the almost- 70 degree weather I'm enjoying today as a not-so-close second.
"Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements."
We are continuing to notice changes in the belly size. I'll try to take a picture sometime in the next couple days so you can see if we're right, or just full of it! :-)
Jimmy's 25th birthday is Friday! Don't really know how we'll celebrate... and he has demanded no gifts from me. So maybe dinner?!
We've had awesome weather the last couple days, which has been very enjoyable. I wish it would stay, but they're predicting some rain tomorrow and for who knows how long.
Wishing I was in Death Valley with my family right now.... but I'll take the almost- 70 degree weather I'm enjoying today as a not-so-close second.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A busy weekend!
Well, we had a busy weekend! Saturday we spent the day from about 8:30am - 10:30pm installing a new patio in our backyard. We had help from our good friends (THANK YOU!), which I was very greatful for, as Jimmy wouldn't really let me do too much of the work. It looks awesome! There's a couple finishing touches left, but it's almost ready for a BBQ!!!!! It was a BEAUTIFUL day, and didn't rain until we were misting the polymetric sand that goes in the joints. Not bad!
Sunday we slept in (Jimmy had to work from midnight 'til 4:30am Sunday morning), I made a brunch for us, we sat around being lazy, and then picked up a king sized bed and helped move it into our friends' place. (the same friends that helped us with the patio.... somehow I still feel like we owe them.... the patio was MUCH more work!). We then celebrated the productive weekend with Outback. It was tasty, but Eggo made me eat too much, and now I'm stuffed. Well, the strawberries in the fridge are calling me, but.......
Friday is Jimmy's 25th birthday! I guess I should figure out some way to celebrate it!
I hope everyone had a great weekend! I haven't taken pictures of the completed patio in the daylight, but here are a couple in the dark! Hopefully I'll get off the couch tomorrow and take a couple in the daylight! :-)
Sunday we slept in (Jimmy had to work from midnight 'til 4:30am Sunday morning), I made a brunch for us, we sat around being lazy, and then picked up a king sized bed and helped move it into our friends' place. (the same friends that helped us with the patio.... somehow I still feel like we owe them.... the patio was MUCH more work!). We then celebrated the productive weekend with Outback. It was tasty, but Eggo made me eat too much, and now I'm stuffed. Well, the strawberries in the fridge are calling me, but.......
Friday is Jimmy's 25th birthday! I guess I should figure out some way to celebrate it!
I hope everyone had a great weekend! I haven't taken pictures of the completed patio in the daylight, but here are a couple in the dark! Hopefully I'll get off the couch tomorrow and take a couple in the daylight! :-)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
A lemon!
I can't believe I let a week go by without posting! I don't think I've been particularly busy.... just lazy I guess.
I do think my appetite is back. The days of losing weight, I believe, are over.... bring on the baby pounds! :-)
This week, Eggo is the size of a lemon!

I do think my appetite is back. The days of losing weight, I believe, are over.... bring on the baby pounds! :-)
This week, Eggo is the size of a lemon!

Here's what thebump.com says about the baby this week:
Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys, and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
2nd Trimester!!!

This week.... week 13.... the baby is considered to be the size of a peach. Pretty crazy how much the baby has grown. I guess it makes sense that I'm starting to get a little baby bump. I hope it gets bigger soon! I know I'll regret saying that when I'm big and ready to be done.... but I'm definitely looking forward to it!
In other news.... We ordered our crib and dresser / changing table! My wonderful Mom (aka Eggo's Grandma) was kind enough to offer to buy it as a gift. I've fallen in love with this crib, and was pretty set on getting it! It's being delivered to the JCPenny's by their house (so we don't pay sales tax), and we should have it around Easter!!!
Here's a picture.... this is from someone's blog that I found. Same crib, but in a nursery that's all decorated. We got the same color - coffee. It's a dark brown (not black, but a nice rich brown). The dresser is the same color. It has three drawers and a cabinet. We'll throw a changing pad on the top and call it a changing table! So excited! Thank you Mom / Grandma!
Oh... and I have a friend that had a dream recently that we were having a girl, and that we named her Tanner...... who knows!?
Happy Wednesday all!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Doctor's appointment today
I had another appointment today. Went well! Down a couple pounds from when I started all of this - but the doctor wasn't concerned at all. BP was good. I've been so sick the last week with this head cold, but I think today I'm finally on the upswing! Doc said it's going around....
He warned me before he got the doppler out that they often are hiding low and hard to find still at this stage, so not to be scared if he didn't find it right away. Haha. I smirked - I've been able to find the heartbeat since 9 weeks, 5 days, exactly three weeks ago, and lately it takes me maybe 5 seconds! Sure enough, he found it almost instantly. While I hear it at home almost every night, it was so cool to hear it there in the Doc's office - plus theirs is a clearer sound!
AND we scheduled all my appointments until the end of July - including my big ultrasound! As long as baby Eggo is cooperating we will be finding out the sex on Monday, April 19th at 9:20am (Pacific Time)! I'll be 18 weeks, 5 days at that point!
A slight bummer..... since I have PCOS which gives you a higher risk for developing diabetes, and gestational diabetes, he is going to have me do the glucose test at 18 weeks or so. If all goes well at that point, I'll still do it AGAIN around 22 weeks. Bummer! BUT - I'll do anything to make sure my baby is healthy! We're optimistic I'll pass because I'm on medicine that helps my body process insulin.... we'll see!
Happy Monday everyone!
He warned me before he got the doppler out that they often are hiding low and hard to find still at this stage, so not to be scared if he didn't find it right away. Haha. I smirked - I've been able to find the heartbeat since 9 weeks, 5 days, exactly three weeks ago, and lately it takes me maybe 5 seconds! Sure enough, he found it almost instantly. While I hear it at home almost every night, it was so cool to hear it there in the Doc's office - plus theirs is a clearer sound!
AND we scheduled all my appointments until the end of July - including my big ultrasound! As long as baby Eggo is cooperating we will be finding out the sex on Monday, April 19th at 9:20am (Pacific Time)! I'll be 18 weeks, 5 days at that point!
A slight bummer..... since I have PCOS which gives you a higher risk for developing diabetes, and gestational diabetes, he is going to have me do the glucose test at 18 weeks or so. If all goes well at that point, I'll still do it AGAIN around 22 weeks. Bummer! BUT - I'll do anything to make sure my baby is healthy! We're optimistic I'll pass because I'm on medicine that helps my body process insulin.... we'll see!
Happy Monday everyone!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I think I see a difference......
kay... so I feel like there's a difference. At the wedding last night, I had multiple people tell me I had a cute little bump. Probably just being nice.....
But here's a one week comparison...
11 weeks, 3 days 12 weeks, 3 days
But here's a one week comparison...
11 weeks, 3 days 12 weeks, 3 days
I was super exhausted in the 12 week picture.... this was after Breanna and Eric's wedding, and I just wanted to get into bed.... but I also thought it would be fun to take a picture, as I was dressed nicely again and it was exactly a week later!
What do you think!?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
A plum!

This week, the baby is the size of a plum!
In other news..... I feel like poo still, and have a busy day ahead of me. I'm going to figure out if there's anything that's safe for me to take, otherwise I don't know if I'll have the energy to get through the day!
Today is the day of Breanna and Eric's wedding - so I'll be heading down South to start photographing at 1pm! Should be fun, but I wish I was feeling a little better!
You all should do our baby gender poll (on the left side of this page).... and play our baby game! (a little farther down on the left side. In the game you can guess the gender, birthdate (I know what you're going to pick Dad!), weight, etc.
We'll be finding out the gender mid- to end-of-April... which is getting closer every day!
Have a great weekend all!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
So... I have to share 'cause I got some awesome deals!
I found a girl that wanted to sell a glider with the footstool for $50. She said it needs to be cleaned, but non-smoking, no-pet house. Then she decided she'd just take $30 if I'd come get it - she was moving and just trying to get rid of stuff. She lives out in the middle of nowhere.... so it was a bit of a drive - but a glider for $30!?
I grabbed the glider, and she offered a cosleeper she had too. She wanted $15-20 for it. Had been used for one kid, for only a couple months. I didn't have any more cash with me! So I drove into town (probably 20 minutes or so), grabbed cash, and drove back out. I got the co-sleeper for $20, and she had found a couple baby books and a food grinder for baby that she thought I just had to have - so she gave those to me!
Seriously!? A glider AND a co-sleeper for $50!? I know it's early to buy this kind of stuff...... but I really can't pass up a bargain like this!
We will probably re-cover the glider (my mom has already offered), but we could also just clean it and it would be fine.
I'm just so stoked!
I will post pictures sometime in the next couple days. I know it's early to get things like this.... but that was a deal I just couldn't pass up. AND the girl that sold the stuff to me was super nice - she suggested future play dates, etc., and I really could see that being a possibility!
I found a girl that wanted to sell a glider with the footstool for $50. She said it needs to be cleaned, but non-smoking, no-pet house. Then she decided she'd just take $30 if I'd come get it - she was moving and just trying to get rid of stuff. She lives out in the middle of nowhere.... so it was a bit of a drive - but a glider for $30!?
I grabbed the glider, and she offered a cosleeper she had too. She wanted $15-20 for it. Had been used for one kid, for only a couple months. I didn't have any more cash with me! So I drove into town (probably 20 minutes or so), grabbed cash, and drove back out. I got the co-sleeper for $20, and she had found a couple baby books and a food grinder for baby that she thought I just had to have - so she gave those to me!
Seriously!? A glider AND a co-sleeper for $50!? I know it's early to buy this kind of stuff...... but I really can't pass up a bargain like this!
We will probably re-cover the glider (my mom has already offered), but we could also just clean it and it would be fine.
I'm just so stoked!
I will post pictures sometime in the next couple days. I know it's early to get things like this.... but that was a deal I just couldn't pass up. AND the girl that sold the stuff to me was super nice - she suggested future play dates, etc., and I really could see that being a possibility!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Gender poll!
I've posted a gender poll. Time to start guessing! We won't find out until the end of April or so..... but time is flying - so it will be here before we know it!
Here's my stats lately (in case you believe in any old wives tales or it will help you!):
Feel free to ask other questions about my pregnancy so far..... I know I'm not thinking of everything.... and maybe you have some secret way of telling boy or girl! :-)
Ps. Leave comments about the gender you picked and why - I'm intrigued! :-)
Here's my stats lately (in case you believe in any old wives tales or it will help you!):
- No morning sickness
- Aversion to chicken (eeeeeew)
- Can't stand the smell of tortillas - even the thought of the smell (which is sad 'cause I usually LOVE mexican food)
- Carrots are supremely delicious to me these days
- I have craved both sweet (ie. Slurpees) and salty (ie. Baked Cheetos)
- I have three friends due in July who have found out the sex of their babies lately. Two are having boys, one is having a girl.
- Baby's heart rate last night was 162 - 164 (at 12 weeks)
- I had some indigestion a while back.... but none lately
Feel free to ask other questions about my pregnancy so far..... I know I'm not thinking of everything.... and maybe you have some secret way of telling boy or girl! :-)
Ps. Leave comments about the gender you picked and why - I'm intrigued! :-)
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