I bought a fetal doppler from a lady on craigslist last week, knowing I wouldn't be able to use it for a couple weeks, but it was a steal ($40 for a $100+ doppler). Well, I was playing around with it last night, and after drinking A LOT of water, I found Eggo's heartbeat! I know it wasn't mine, 'cause it was twice as fast as mine, registering around 165-170bpm (a good, strong, fetal heartrate!). It was soooooo cool!
I got Jimmy to come over (he was halfway through brushing his teeth), and he heard it too! I lost it for a while, but found it once more and we just layed there and smiled!
After a wonderful weekend of sharing the news with friends, family, and the world, it was so reassuring to hear that strong clip-clop of a heartbeat. We had never heard it before - at the ultrasound, we just saw it.
I can't wait to get home and find it again! The doppler advertises that you can find the heartbeat from as early as 10 weeks.... well I was 9 weeks, 5 days! I know it only gets stronger / easier to hear as you get further along.... so I can't wait!
We both agree the $40 I spent on it (thanks to a babysitting job) was already well worth it!
What an awesome experience we will remember for a long time!
As it gets stronger, I'll try to record it and post it.... should be cool!