Yesterday was miserable. I am now realizing what I thought was just him pushing out on my belly, etc., has actually been BH's.... so I've probably been having them on and off for at least a few weeks (I was kinda wondering..... but hadn't really confirmed that fact). Well I confirmed it yesterday. In the car driving to play with Seth I had three - in a 25 minute drive. I then had two more while sitting in a chair while he ate some cereal. That put my total at at least 5 in 45 minutes to an hour, and I was pretty sure I had heard somewhere that meant I should at least give the doc's office a call.
So I called. Of course they reassured me that they were just Braxton Hicks (I wasn't worried they were real contractions.....) and that as long as they weren't painful and I could walk / talk through them they weren't concerned. She told me to sit, drink lots of water, maybe put my feet up, and they should go away. Hmmmm..... I was already sitting (during all of them), drinking tons of water......
So after I played with Seth I probably should've gone straight home and taken it easy..... but of course I didn't do that. I had planned on running a bunch of errands since I'd be down by the mall where everything was in close proximity. I didn't expect them to take so long, and I was out / on my feet for a solid 4 hours. Whoopsie. I had the BH's the whole time.... and while I don't think they were painful.... I was starting to be in pain / waddle / be uncomfortable I think as a combo of my belly hardening up at least every 20 minutes and being on my feet for 4 hours.
By the time I got home, I was exhausted. I got out my exercise ball (called a birthing ball when you're preggo - haha), and sat on it... doing circle 8's, swaying back and forth, bouncing a little. I have to say that these are seriously the best tool for pregnant women. Somehow they just let your back / hips sit in the PERFECT position, and take so much pressure off your lower back, etc. If you are pregnant and reading this - go buy one now. If you have one in your closet you haven't blown up in forever.... inflate it!!! I haven't been able to sit on our couch comfortably to watch a 2 hour movie for at least a month now, and Jimmy and I sat and watched one the other night (me with my butt / hips on the ball and leaning back onto his chest - him sitting on the couch)... and I only got up once (to pee). AMAZING.
I turned on The Bachelorette and stayed on the ball for most of it. That helped.... but I was still exhausted and Jimmy could tell when he got home!

My massage tool is much cooler than this one - mine is green and is a little cat - its feet are the little knobs that massage you. It was $4 at Bath and Body Works - and I've decided it's already paid for itself - and will be amazing in the hospital (we'll practice a bunch between now and then so Jimmy REALLY knows how to use it by then!) hehehe.
So.... I guess the moral of the story is that I should listen to my body, and take it easy if it's having a hard time. I AM unemployed now.... so I probably could've done those errands another day! ;-)
Oh and the nurse on the phone yesterday afternoon (the one calling to tell me Colby was measuring big) said his size is probably why I'm having the BH's so much..... yippee.
don't think that I have had/or knew if I was any BH!
ReplyDeleteI used the birth ball in birth class for the first time last night...and loved it! Need to go buy one!