Our good friend Katie came to visit last week. We went to 2 Mariners vs. Red Sox games (Colby's first baseball games), a lame-o farmers market (but in a cute part of town), had dinner with friends, went to the Edmonds beach, watched some fireworks, watched two terrible movies, and got some good hang-out time. It was great to have her come visit! Thanks for coming Katie! :-) Katie went home on Monday, and Tuesday I hopped on the train to Portland.
I'm in Beaverton for the week - hanging with family, maybe seeing some friends, and then Jimmy comes down Friday night and we've got maternity photos (my brother is taking them for us) on Saturday, as well as our final baby shower.... and a family reunion Sunday. Busy busy!
So... here's what babycenter says about Colby's development this week:

This makes me giggle a little 'cause over two weeks ago at my growth ultrasound Colby was estimated to be 4 lbs, 9 ozs..... so I think he's a bit bigger than what they describe above! :-)
I've had another day or two of really uncomfortable braxton hicks contractions. Yesterday was one of them. It's just a (not so) friendly reminder that I am, in fact, pregnant, growing a kiddo inside of me..... and it reminds me that I can't or probably shouldn't do things like I used to. But so far I've been slightly oblivious to this..... so this is a bit of a rude awakening. It's not like I'm trying to run a marathon - just walking around Costco or prepping dinner stuff for a couple hours. And my body revolts. So I'll learn to take it a little easier... I guess.
My NST / fluid check went well last week. Still have tons of fluid in there (they figure the size of the baby and the amount of fluids I have mean I'll be feeling the contractions more, and having them more, than the average expecting mama. (woo-hoo!). The NST went well, though Colby was being a stinker (go figure) and didn't want to move around to get his heartrate up (he tends to be pretty mellow in the mornings). So the nurse had to poke and prod him - even got out the "taser" - a little handheld thing that buzzes so it makes some vibration and noise and is supposed to wake babies up and get them moving. Colby ignored it. He woke up 5 or so minutes later, though.... on his own schedule. I had one contraction on the monitor (not uncomfy, but it was cool to see the tracking of it on the paper), and a few little ones as well. But the nurse said that was normal.
I'll leave you with a picture of me - 32 weeks and 4 days preggo! It's from our morning at the Edmonds beach!