Hi all! {wait.... are there people out there reading this?!}
As you have seen.... I am a bad blogger. I mean well..... but then I end up chin-deep in piles of fabric... and well..... the boys join me and we all end up covered in scraps and thread and giggling the whole time.
Anyway...... I miss writing and sharing about our family / being a mom / running my "little" business.... sew I'm trying something that is a combination of new {new blog} and old {same crazy mama - me!}
Come join me over at Sew & Tell - - - while I'll focus mainly on sewing / my business / the creative process / my love of fabric I will DEFINITELY post about the kids / our family / attempting to do all this with two VERY active boys!
Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Conversations with Colby....
A conversation we just had....
Colby: "I wike your nockers"
Me: "WHAT?!"
Colby: "i wike your binockers - see"
Me: "oh... binoculars? Yah, those are goggles buddy... and I'm glad you like them"
.... life with a 2.5 year old is always entertaining! {and yes, I was a bit taken aback at first..... and was giggling like a middle school girl.....}
Colby: "I wike your nockers"
Me: "WHAT?!"
Colby: "i wike your binockers - see"
Me: "oh... binoculars? Yah, those are goggles buddy... and I'm glad you like them"
.... life with a 2.5 year old is always entertaining! {and yes, I was a bit taken aback at first..... and was giggling like a middle school girl.....}
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
6 month checkup!
We had Brendan's "6 month" checkup today (he's 10 days away from being 7 months... but who's counting?!)
{his stats}
weight - 15lb, 12.5oz (gained 1lb, 1.5 oz since his appointment 1 month ago) - 12.4%
height - 26.5" - 28.63% (this is definitely a jump in percentile since last time)
head - 17.72" / 45cm - 83.64% - hahahahahahaha
Unfortunately, once again I am majorly disappointed in the pediatrician we saw. Grrrr.
Again, she proved she cannot do basic math or answer the questions I ask (and I don't ask many, but I came up with a few to test her out again this time). She seemed to have issues at the last appointment with her math (she said Brendan had "over doubled his birth weight" - he was 7lb, 13oz at birth..... he was 14lb, 11oz at the checkup one month ago - that is NOT double). Once again, today, she had issues with basic math. She said "oh good, he's gained one-and-a-half pounds in the month since we saw him last" - nope..... as shown above, he gained 1lb, 1.5oz - so if you want to be lazy and round - it would round to 1lb gain, not 1.5lbs.
They also did not record one of the immunizations they gave Brendan last time (and I KNOW for a fact they gave it to him)... and she "fought" me on the fact that he had been given it last time for a while. This is seriously and completely unacceptable. She sat and looked at the computer screen for a LONG time, and I finally offered up "if you're confused about the immunizations, remember we were behind because we missed his 4mo checkup, so I think we are still a little behind but should be caught up after this appointment".... I don't know when she would've asked / figured that one out.
Needless to say, we have 2 months until his next well kiddo checkup (at 9mos old) - and I WILL be switching to the other doc in the practice or finding somewhere else to try. Unacceptable. The problem is, we live in a small town. Surrounded by small towns. About 45 minutes (or longer) from a decent size city. Some people I know who live here have pediatricians in the larger town 45 minutes away... for me that is not an acceptable option. There are NO walk-in clinics in this area - so if my kids have an ear infection, etc., I don't want to have to either drive almost an hour (one way) to go get them checked out or take them to the ER. There SHOULD be someone that can actually do their job in this town, right?! Oy.
Thank goodness I have retained a little bit of my brain (you lose a bunch of it when you become a mommy, I swear!) and can do basic math / know when to ask friends' advice / have healthy, happy, on-the-right-developmental-track kiddos. Phew!
A few pics - Two of Brendan on my lap at the doc's office, then two of him totally zonked out this afternoon - he missed his morning nap and really had a hard time this afternoon (until his bum of a mom thought "hey, I should give him some Tylenol, I bet his legs are killing him!") with napping, etc. Poor munchkinpie!
{his stats}
weight - 15lb, 12.5oz (gained 1lb, 1.5 oz since his appointment 1 month ago) - 12.4%
height - 26.5" - 28.63% (this is definitely a jump in percentile since last time)
head - 17.72" / 45cm - 83.64% - hahahahahahaha
Unfortunately, once again I am majorly disappointed in the pediatrician we saw. Grrrr.
Again, she proved she cannot do basic math or answer the questions I ask (and I don't ask many, but I came up with a few to test her out again this time). She seemed to have issues at the last appointment with her math (she said Brendan had "over doubled his birth weight" - he was 7lb, 13oz at birth..... he was 14lb, 11oz at the checkup one month ago - that is NOT double). Once again, today, she had issues with basic math. She said "oh good, he's gained one-and-a-half pounds in the month since we saw him last" - nope..... as shown above, he gained 1lb, 1.5oz - so if you want to be lazy and round - it would round to 1lb gain, not 1.5lbs.
They also did not record one of the immunizations they gave Brendan last time (and I KNOW for a fact they gave it to him)... and she "fought" me on the fact that he had been given it last time for a while. This is seriously and completely unacceptable. She sat and looked at the computer screen for a LONG time, and I finally offered up "if you're confused about the immunizations, remember we were behind because we missed his 4mo checkup, so I think we are still a little behind but should be caught up after this appointment".... I don't know when she would've asked / figured that one out.
Needless to say, we have 2 months until his next well kiddo checkup (at 9mos old) - and I WILL be switching to the other doc in the practice or finding somewhere else to try. Unacceptable. The problem is, we live in a small town. Surrounded by small towns. About 45 minutes (or longer) from a decent size city. Some people I know who live here have pediatricians in the larger town 45 minutes away... for me that is not an acceptable option. There are NO walk-in clinics in this area - so if my kids have an ear infection, etc., I don't want to have to either drive almost an hour (one way) to go get them checked out or take them to the ER. There SHOULD be someone that can actually do their job in this town, right?! Oy.
Thank goodness I have retained a little bit of my brain (you lose a bunch of it when you become a mommy, I swear!) and can do basic math / know when to ask friends' advice / have healthy, happy, on-the-right-developmental-track kiddos. Phew!
A few pics - Two of Brendan on my lap at the doc's office, then two of him totally zonked out this afternoon - he missed his morning nap and really had a hard time this afternoon (until his bum of a mom thought "hey, I should give him some Tylenol, I bet his legs are killing him!") with napping, etc. Poor munchkinpie!
He really is asleep in these next two..... poor guy!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Another leftie??!?
We were pretty sure colby was left-handed from fairly early on. Sure enough, he throws, eats, writes, swings, shoots a basketball left-handed.... even though all of those things have really only been modeled to him right-handed (Jimmy and I are both right-handed).
Well..... we're curious about Brendan now. He seems to favor his left hand already - about the same time we noticed with Colby.
Only time will tell!!!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
A typical {ha!} day....
Many days, I feel like I get approximately nothing done. By the end of the day I have a messy house {okay, who am I kidding? the house started the day messy, too.}, often don't have dinner made, maybe got something sewn, maybe...... but so far both kiddos have survived every day of their life, with me, and I guess that's something....
My dayoften sometimes starts at about 5:45am. I *try* my best to get up when Jimmy gets up for work, so that I can get my coffee made and a little bit of work done before the monsters wake up. Depending on how late we went to bed, whether or not Brendan woke up, how much work I have on my "to-do" list, etc., I may or may not actually get up at that point. If not, I get up when the first kiddo wakes up.....
I wake up, often not by choice, and sometimes because B-man is awake and needing to be nursed - nurse Brendan, put him back to bed, then reluctantly head downstairs myself
I sit down at the computer (or sewing machine) and do a bit of work
{anytime between 6:30am and 7:45am}
Colby wakes up.
{Colby's wake-up time until Brendan's wake-up time}
sometimes these two are the same time, other times B-man sleeps a bit longer than Colby... just depends - but during this time I change Colby's diaper {always poopy}, get him breakfast (usually cold cereal & a sippy cup of milk... but sometimes I get fancy and warm up an Eggo waffle or other tasty treat... or sometimes he wants yogurt, or a granola bar) - Oh, and most importantly, Curious George gets turned on. Colby is OBSESSED. I try to get a bit more work done - sewing, computer work, etc.
{Whenever Brendan wakes up (almost always by 8am)}
Go get Brendan, change his diaper, usually nurse him, let him play on the floor or jump in the Jumperoo
{usually around 9am or 9:30am - basically within about 90min of Brendan waking up}
Put Brendan down for a nap. This includes the same conversation between Colby and me - every.single.time - Me: "Colby, I'm going to go upstairs to put your brother down for his nap, I'll be right back, can you be safe downstairs?" Colby: "I want somefing." Me: "I thought so. What would you like?" Colby: "Hmmm... uhhhhh.... butttttttt... hmmmm.... chocolate milk!" (not always chocolate milk, and often with MANY more hmmmms and uhhhhhhs) - so I go get the thing he requests, bring it back downstairs, then head upstairs. Turn on the heater in Brendan's room, nurse Brendan, walk into his room and sing him "Itsy bitsy spider" while patting his back to burp him. Often get a spitup shower. Lay Brendan in his crib (FULLY awake - amazing!), say "night night, love you, have a good nap" - and leave the room. Most days, he's asleep within 5 minutes.
{next hour or 90 minutes or however long Brendan naps}
I work, Colby plays. Often he likes to "help" me work. Sometimes I don't work and instead play with Colby - or watch Curious George with him, or clean up our house (ha!)
{Brendan wakes up from nap}
This is usually around 11am - sometimes earlier, sometimes later. If it's about 11am, I go get B-man from his crib, change his diaper, and we come downstairs to get Colby. Then we all head upstairs to play upstairs and work on lunch. Lunch is usually simple - leftovers, or sandwiches, or crackers & cheese, or edamame (Colby loves edamame!) - Brendan also gets some lunch - some sort of mushed up deliciousness. Usually he's YELLING at me (really, he yells) as I'm stirring up his food frantically while getting everything else together. Sometimes Mum-Mums help, but not always. Often he just slams them down on the tray of his high chair (equivalent to giving me the bird?!)
{anytime between 11:30 and 12:30}
lunchtime. We all eat. Colby doesn't usually eat tons, but sometimes he eats everything I put in front of him. He's two.
{once lunch is over}
Move all dishes to the sink (where they will stay until.... who knows when....), wipe down both kiddos, head to the bathroom to brush our teeth (at Colby's insistence!)
{naptime routine}
Change both kiddos' diapers, then grab Colby's blanket and we all sit on the chair in Colby's room and read three books. Lately it's the same three books: Dinosaur Dig, Mighty Machines, and One Snowy Day. In that order. Colby turns off his lamp, I set Brendan on the floor. Colby does an awesome roll / summersault off of the black chair. I pick him up and lay him in his crib - covering him in his blanket (right side up, it's a must!). I pick up Brendan, and we sing 3 songs. The same 3 songs.... always - Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and ABC's.
Then.... I grab Brendan's sleep sack, zip him up, nurse him, and burp / sing / get spit up on / lay him in bed. Same as before.
{kiddos are usually down for nap by 1pm - but that can vary greatly.... then they usually nap for a couple hours - so we'll say 1pm - 3pm}
Kiddos nap and I frantically get some Eggo in the Oven work done. This is usually my most productive time of the day. I do my best to get as much done during this time, but find it pretty difficult (have you ever tried to squish your WHOLE workday into two hours? Oh, and by two hours I mean it could be 45 minutes, or two hours, or 3 hours, or one hour.....)
{Kiddos wake up from nap - around 3pm, sometimes earlier, sometimes later}
If Colby wakes up first, I get him (change his diaper, 90% of the time it's poopy) and let him watch George for a bit while I squeeze in *a little bit* more work. If Brendan wakes up first, I do the same things, except he tends to just play on the floor or in the jumperro {he only gets to watch George when Colby is awake, duh!} I usually take a shower once both of them are awake and entertained. If not, I wait until Jimmy is home / we have the kids in bed.
{around 4:30pm}
Lately Brendan has needed an afternoon nap. This all depends on how long his mid-day nap was, etc., but I just let him "tell" me what he needs. If he does take a late afternoon nap, it's usually pretty short. Sometimes it's in the double stroller while I push the kiddos around the neighborhood.
{around 5:30pm}
I work on dinner. I am not a gourmet cook... and don't pretend to be. I consider it a success if something - anything - gets made. My husband is very understanding and really, truly, appreciates anything I can find the time / energy / desire to make. By this point, Brendan is usually yelling at me again because he's hungry. Often I end up feeding him his cereal / mush mixture while also making dinner. Often Colby chooses to stay downstairs to play / watch George / etc., but sometimes he comes upstairs with us.
{between 6pm and 6:30pm}
Jimmy gets home. We all eat dinner together.
{end of dinner until about 7:30pm}
Jimmy plays with the kiddos. I hate doing dishes, and sometimes Jimmy does them, but I also sometimes appreciate the break from the kiddos - and know that Jimmy only gets a little bit of time with them each day, so I let him play.
Bedtime routine. Jimmy and Colby brush their teeth while I'm finishing up the dishes. We all go to Colby's room. Diapers are changed, pajamas are put on (or maybe they're still on.... we often don't get out of our pj's!). I sit on the floor and nurse Brendan while Jimmy reads books to Colby in the black chair. Brendan and I usually say goodnight / goodbye around the end of Mighty Machines. This includes a pretty set routine of kisses for the whole family, and lots of "good-night, love you, sweet dreams". I go to our room and nurse Brendan on the other side, then walk him into his room and put him in his bed. Jimmy finishes up the bedtime fun with Colby - same books, same songs as naptime.
{8pm - 10pm}
Jimmy and I hang out downstairs..... our house is great, as our main living space and my workspace / studio / etc., are in the same big room. Jimmy usually plays video games while I sew. Once I'm done sewing for the night, I bring the laptop over and sit on the couch and do computer work while we watch shows together. We shoot to go to bed by 10pm - but it's often later (and sometimes earlier).
{10ish - 5:45ish}
shhhhh - we are all sleeping! Lately, Brendan sleeps from when we put him to bed until when we are getting up in the morning. Ah-ma-zing. Sometimes he wakes up around 3am... Colby sleeps all night, not a peep (well, rarely a peep!)
It's a bit of a circus, and every day is different..... but it works!
Oh.... and I should mention that weekends are much different. Well, similar structure / events.... but I have an amazing husband who tends to take on most of the parenting duties on the weekend (at least the ones he can.... I am still needed for nursing!) We try to do at least one activity as a family each day on the weekend.... but sometimes just being in the same room - the basement, where our main living / play room and my studio are - is our "family activity". Weekends tend to be when I get most of my work done.
A little update..... I just posted this comment as a reply to a friend's comment about often thinking I must have super powers.... and thought I should add it to this post.
My day
I wake up, often not by choice, and sometimes because B-man is awake and needing to be nursed - nurse Brendan, put him back to bed, then reluctantly head downstairs myself
I sit down at the computer (or sewing machine) and do a bit of work
{anytime between 6:30am and 7:45am}
Colby wakes up.
{Colby's wake-up time until Brendan's wake-up time}
sometimes these two are the same time, other times B-man sleeps a bit longer than Colby... just depends - but during this time I change Colby's diaper {always poopy}, get him breakfast (usually cold cereal & a sippy cup of milk... but sometimes I get fancy and warm up an Eggo waffle or other tasty treat... or sometimes he wants yogurt, or a granola bar) - Oh, and most importantly, Curious George gets turned on. Colby is OBSESSED. I try to get a bit more work done - sewing, computer work, etc.
{Whenever Brendan wakes up (almost always by 8am)}
Go get Brendan, change his diaper, usually nurse him, let him play on the floor or jump in the Jumperoo
{usually around 9am or 9:30am - basically within about 90min of Brendan waking up}
Put Brendan down for a nap. This includes the same conversation between Colby and me - every.single.time - Me: "Colby, I'm going to go upstairs to put your brother down for his nap, I'll be right back, can you be safe downstairs?" Colby: "I want somefing." Me: "I thought so. What would you like?" Colby: "Hmmm... uhhhhh.... butttttttt... hmmmm.... chocolate milk!" (not always chocolate milk, and often with MANY more hmmmms and uhhhhhhs) - so I go get the thing he requests, bring it back downstairs, then head upstairs. Turn on the heater in Brendan's room, nurse Brendan, walk into his room and sing him "Itsy bitsy spider" while patting his back to burp him. Often get a spitup shower. Lay Brendan in his crib (FULLY awake - amazing!), say "night night, love you, have a good nap" - and leave the room. Most days, he's asleep within 5 minutes.
{next hour or 90 minutes or however long Brendan naps}
I work, Colby plays. Often he likes to "help" me work. Sometimes I don't work and instead play with Colby - or watch Curious George with him, or clean up our house (ha!)
{Brendan wakes up from nap}
This is usually around 11am - sometimes earlier, sometimes later. If it's about 11am, I go get B-man from his crib, change his diaper, and we come downstairs to get Colby. Then we all head upstairs to play upstairs and work on lunch. Lunch is usually simple - leftovers, or sandwiches, or crackers & cheese, or edamame (Colby loves edamame!) - Brendan also gets some lunch - some sort of mushed up deliciousness. Usually he's YELLING at me (really, he yells) as I'm stirring up his food frantically while getting everything else together. Sometimes Mum-Mums help, but not always. Often he just slams them down on the tray of his high chair (equivalent to giving me the bird?!)
{anytime between 11:30 and 12:30}
lunchtime. We all eat. Colby doesn't usually eat tons, but sometimes he eats everything I put in front of him. He's two.
{once lunch is over}
Move all dishes to the sink (where they will stay until.... who knows when....), wipe down both kiddos, head to the bathroom to brush our teeth (at Colby's insistence!)
{naptime routine}
Change both kiddos' diapers, then grab Colby's blanket and we all sit on the chair in Colby's room and read three books. Lately it's the same three books: Dinosaur Dig, Mighty Machines, and One Snowy Day. In that order. Colby turns off his lamp, I set Brendan on the floor. Colby does an awesome roll / summersault off of the black chair. I pick him up and lay him in his crib - covering him in his blanket (right side up, it's a must!). I pick up Brendan, and we sing 3 songs. The same 3 songs.... always - Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and ABC's.
Then.... I grab Brendan's sleep sack, zip him up, nurse him, and burp / sing / get spit up on / lay him in bed. Same as before.
{kiddos are usually down for nap by 1pm - but that can vary greatly.... then they usually nap for a couple hours - so we'll say 1pm - 3pm}
Kiddos nap and I frantically get some Eggo in the Oven work done. This is usually my most productive time of the day. I do my best to get as much done during this time, but find it pretty difficult (have you ever tried to squish your WHOLE workday into two hours? Oh, and by two hours I mean it could be 45 minutes, or two hours, or 3 hours, or one hour.....)
{Kiddos wake up from nap - around 3pm, sometimes earlier, sometimes later}
If Colby wakes up first, I get him (change his diaper, 90% of the time it's poopy) and let him watch George for a bit while I squeeze in *a little bit* more work. If Brendan wakes up first, I do the same things, except he tends to just play on the floor or in the jumperro {he only gets to watch George when Colby is awake, duh!} I usually take a shower once both of them are awake and entertained. If not, I wait until Jimmy is home / we have the kids in bed.
{around 4:30pm}
Lately Brendan has needed an afternoon nap. This all depends on how long his mid-day nap was, etc., but I just let him "tell" me what he needs. If he does take a late afternoon nap, it's usually pretty short. Sometimes it's in the double stroller while I push the kiddos around the neighborhood.
{around 5:30pm}
I work on dinner. I am not a gourmet cook... and don't pretend to be. I consider it a success if something - anything - gets made. My husband is very understanding and really, truly, appreciates anything I can find the time / energy / desire to make. By this point, Brendan is usually yelling at me again because he's hungry. Often I end up feeding him his cereal / mush mixture while also making dinner. Often Colby chooses to stay downstairs to play / watch George / etc., but sometimes he comes upstairs with us.
{between 6pm and 6:30pm}
Jimmy gets home. We all eat dinner together.
{end of dinner until about 7:30pm}
Jimmy plays with the kiddos. I hate doing dishes, and sometimes Jimmy does them, but I also sometimes appreciate the break from the kiddos - and know that Jimmy only gets a little bit of time with them each day, so I let him play.
Bedtime routine. Jimmy and Colby brush their teeth while I'm finishing up the dishes. We all go to Colby's room. Diapers are changed, pajamas are put on (or maybe they're still on.... we often don't get out of our pj's!). I sit on the floor and nurse Brendan while Jimmy reads books to Colby in the black chair. Brendan and I usually say goodnight / goodbye around the end of Mighty Machines. This includes a pretty set routine of kisses for the whole family, and lots of "good-night, love you, sweet dreams". I go to our room and nurse Brendan on the other side, then walk him into his room and put him in his bed. Jimmy finishes up the bedtime fun with Colby - same books, same songs as naptime.
{8pm - 10pm}
Jimmy and I hang out downstairs..... our house is great, as our main living space and my workspace / studio / etc., are in the same big room. Jimmy usually plays video games while I sew. Once I'm done sewing for the night, I bring the laptop over and sit on the couch and do computer work while we watch shows together. We shoot to go to bed by 10pm - but it's often later (and sometimes earlier).
{10ish - 5:45ish}
shhhhh - we are all sleeping! Lately, Brendan sleeps from when we put him to bed until when we are getting up in the morning. Ah-ma-zing. Sometimes he wakes up around 3am... Colby sleeps all night, not a peep (well, rarely a peep!)
It's a bit of a circus, and every day is different..... but it works!
Oh.... and I should mention that weekends are much different. Well, similar structure / events.... but I have an amazing husband who tends to take on most of the parenting duties on the weekend (at least the ones he can.... I am still needed for nursing!) We try to do at least one activity as a family each day on the weekend.... but sometimes just being in the same room - the basement, where our main living / play room and my studio are - is our "family activity". Weekends tend to be when I get most of my work done.
A little update..... I just posted this comment as a reply to a friend's comment about often thinking I must have super powers.... and thought I should add it to this post.
"Most days I feel like a "bad mom" because I feel like my kids spend too much time watching tv (Curious George) / playing independently. But then I think about days where I do NO work. Absolutely zero. And we play outside / make a mess of the basement with a box and packing peanuts / etc. And I realize life is about balance. Any one day / hour may not have that balance.... but our life does."
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Shhhh - kids sleeping!
One of the biggest challenges new parents face is lack of sleep. It usually starts during pregnancy... and soon you find yourself celebrating a 3 HOUR stretch of sleep like you just won the lottery!
Both of our boys slept great from about 2 weeks old until about 3 months old. Then.... they turned on us!
With Colby we finally tackled the sleep monster at 16 months old. It took 3 REALLY rough nights and 3 more fairly tough nights... but we persisted and soon ALL of us were sleeping better!
We vowed we would tackle this issue much sooner with subsequent children.... and 9ish months later Brendan was born! (Haha.... yup.... I figured people could do the math so I'd just make it easy on them!)
So.... have we followed through?! Yes! But I truly have no clue if we can really take credit for it.... I kinda feel like we just lucked out.
After we got back from our recent trip to Utah we decided it was time to set uo Brendan's crib... in our guest room (doubles as his room). We figured we would not change anything except his sleep location at first - then we'd tackle the many-times-a-night wake-ups, etc. But we were surprised by what happened! In the pack-n-play in our room Brendan woke many times a night between 7:30pm when we'd put him to bed and 7ish am when my boys are ready to tackle the day (and often earlier). In his crib in the other room? Twice a night. Usually about the time we'd head to bed (10ish).... and then once more (sometime between 2am & 4am). AMAZING. That lasted a few days..... then he went to only waking ONCE!
It has now been a few weeks and we are SO happy with how well he is doing. Most nights he wakes once between 7:30pm and morning wake-up time. Last night he woke a couple times between 7:30 and 11:15 when we went to bed, just being fussy (Jimmy would go in, pick him up, sing him a song, and he'd be back out) - and then he slept until 7am - no wake-ups to nurse! Wow!
So.... for now, we are going to enjoy the sleep we are getting and not do anything different. I mean really, why mess with a good thing?!
Oh and a super adorable new routine we have - when Brendan wakes up Colby likes to go see him. The last few days he's requested to get in brendan's crib to snuggle / say hi. OF COURSE I say yes! Because then cute stuff like THIS happens....
Monday, March 11, 2013
Clam Digging!
This weekend was one filled with lots of family time, a little bit of work, and clam digging!
One of the upsides of living where we do now {near the WA Coast} is the opportunity to dig for clams! Last spring when we lived in Aberdeen for a bit, we went clam digging a couple times with friends and family, and had a great time. We lucked out and got AMAZING weather each time we went (not expected for the WA coast!).
Fast forward to December - we tried a night clam dig. FAIL. Turns out, trying to find clams in the dark with a toddler and an infant is just about as difficult as it sounds. The legal limit is 15 clams per person (meaning you can keep the first 15 clams you dig / catch). When we went clam digging in the Spring of 2012, we got our limits in an hour, max. December?! We got 5 clams. And two very angry kiddos.
So... we decided to give it a go this weekend. There were low tides in the late afternoon / evenings.... but at times when we could go clam digging in the daylight. We packed up the kiddos. We got out our rubber boots. We met friends on Saturday and we drove to the beach. And we DUG!
We had a GREAT time, enjoying beautiful weather, and got our limits (three limits, 45 clams, 15 for each of us - Jimmy, Colby, and Me) pretty quickly! Colby enjoyed digging / playing in the sand (and re-filling the holes we created).
That night, Jimmy and I stayed up and cleaned all the clams (blah.... can't we just EAT THEM now!?) - then the next day, we fried up a few for lunch... and decided we would definitely go again Sunday!
Sunday's weather wasn't quite as nice weather-wise {sunglasses not necessary} - but it was still successful!
All in all - lots of family time, a great weekend, and we've got all these tasty clams cleaned and ready to cook. I'll be busy making clam chowder soon.... we also breaded and froze some of them.... and then we'll just freeze them to be able to fry / make into tasty dinners and lunches and appetizers..... Yay!
One of the upsides of living where we do now {near the WA Coast} is the opportunity to dig for clams! Last spring when we lived in Aberdeen for a bit, we went clam digging a couple times with friends and family, and had a great time. We lucked out and got AMAZING weather each time we went (not expected for the WA coast!).
Fast forward to December - we tried a night clam dig. FAIL. Turns out, trying to find clams in the dark with a toddler and an infant is just about as difficult as it sounds. The legal limit is 15 clams per person (meaning you can keep the first 15 clams you dig / catch). When we went clam digging in the Spring of 2012, we got our limits in an hour, max. December?! We got 5 clams. And two very angry kiddos.
So... we decided to give it a go this weekend. There were low tides in the late afternoon / evenings.... but at times when we could go clam digging in the daylight. We packed up the kiddos. We got out our rubber boots. We met friends on Saturday and we drove to the beach. And we DUG!
Colby ready to dig - Saturday
Colby, Jimmy, {and Brendan} - out on the beach!
Happy boy!!! Brendan liked being outside!
We had a GREAT time, enjoying beautiful weather, and got our limits (three limits, 45 clams, 15 for each of us - Jimmy, Colby, and Me) pretty quickly! Colby enjoyed digging / playing in the sand (and re-filling the holes we created).
Our friends - digging for the first time! LOVE the action shot with their daughter "helping" - she was giggling so loud!!!
Family photo on the beach! So much love!
That night, Jimmy and I stayed up and cleaned all the clams (blah.... can't we just EAT THEM now!?) - then the next day, we fried up a few for lunch... and decided we would definitely go again Sunday!
Yummy - lunch! Cocktail sauce not necessary..... but Jimmy likes it with his clams.
Sunday's weather wasn't quite as nice weather-wise {sunglasses not necessary} - but it was still successful!
Brendan was ready to head back out!
I LOVE this boy - makes me smile every day!
"Digging for clams" - who says he can't dig his limit?!
:) Mommy-son photo op!
Brendan's patience was a bit shorter this time around.... but it was colder out, and he was hungry. So Colby helped entertain him a bit.... Yes, Jimmy is Superdad!
All in all - lots of family time, a great weekend, and we've got all these tasty clams cleaned and ready to cook. I'll be busy making clam chowder soon.... we also breaded and froze some of them.... and then we'll just freeze them to be able to fry / make into tasty dinners and lunches and appetizers..... Yay!
Sunday's clams!
The boys with our cooler full of clams!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks
Ever since I decided I would get back into blogging I realized I really should do some sort of "update blog post" - so here it is. I promise it will be long. But I have two years to cover since I was last actively blogging (really, 2 years and 2 months)!
{2 years}
We lived in 6 different places {yes, SIX}....
{2 years}
The last two years have been CRAZY - here is a "quick" synopsis:
Colby has changed a bit.....
February 2011 |
1st Birthday - September 2011 |
February 2012 |
February 2012 |
![]() |
September 2012 |
March 2013 |
We lived in 6 different places {yes, SIX}....
Lake Stevens, WA (HOME)
Silverdale, WA (in a hotel... for a job... for a few months)
Silverdale, WA (in a hotel... for a job... for a few months)
... then back home for a while
Aberdeen, WA (another hotel, for 3.5 months)
.... back home for a bit
Aberdeen, WA (hotel for a few weeks - with two kids)
Cosmopolis, WA (moved permanently to the Aberdeen area)
Montesano, WA (where we call home now - also the Aberdeen area)
Photos from Silverdale hotel living
We traveled... a bunch!
San Francisco, CA (K&C)
San Francisco, CA (K&C)
Salt Lake City, UT (all)
Pittsburgh, PA (K only!)
Salt Lake City, UT (all)
McMechen, WV (K&C)
Las Vegas, NV (K&J)
San Francisco, CA (all)
Salt Lake City, UT (all)
Beaverton, OR (TONS!)
Salt Lake City, UT (all FOUR!)
{San Francisco Trip - October, 2011}
{Utah - October, 2011}
{West Virginia - January 2012}
{Las Vegas - February 2012}
Our family grew.....
{Brendan Clifford - born 9/20/12 - 7lbs, 13oz}
Eggo in the Oven just kept growing {750+ separate sales in 2011 - most for more than one item}, and busy busy during 2012....
And I'm SURE I'm missing other big things that happened over the last 2 years. It's been crazy, amazing, busy, a HUGE learning curve, and SO rewarding.
{2 months}
The last two months (or so) has been a BLUR. In November 2012 we were told on a Friday that Jimmy needed to report to a job in Aberdeen, WA (about 2.5 or 3 hours away from our house) for work on Monday. It was a "temporary" assignment - for a few months. We had done a temp assignment in Aberdeen about 6 months back, and the three of us {Kim (pregnant), Jimmy, and Colby} lived in a hotel for the 3.5 months. Now that our family had grown, the thought of living in a hotel room for months as a family of four was NOT ideal. By Wednesday of that first week, we found out we would be here "permanently" {meaning not just months, but likely year(s)} - so we started looking for rentals. We found a house that seemed like the perfect fit (there are NOT many houses for rent here.... and many are... less than ideal). We moved in at the end of November.
Unfortunately that first house was a HEADACHE {to say the least!}. Maintenance issues, etc. So..... almost exactly 2 months {aka, just as we got all the boxes unpacked} after having Jimmy's company move us to that house (with movers, it was GREAT!) - we decided to look for a new rental. We found one and with the help of our AWESOME friends and family, we moved.... again..... and this time we had to pack the boxes!!!
We are now *almost* settled in the new place - and while it was a PAIN to make the move we 100% know it was the right move. The new place has an AMAZING basement that has room for a playroom / family room AND my sewing room. We spend TONS of time there!
{2 weeks}
The last two weeks have been busy and fun! We visited Jimmy's family in Utah last weekend - for an extended weekend. It was GREAT to see his Mom, Dad, and Sister. We spent the weekend playing, eating, and just hanging out. Colby continues to be an AMAZING big brother - and his vocabulary?! Ridiculous. He speaks in full sentences.... sometimes {often} paragraphs!
Brendan seems to be hitting this FUN stage of developing / growing / learning / discovering. His little personality is really starting to come out - and he is working so hard to learn to crawl {so he can catch his brother!}. He just started solid foods over the last few days and he's LOVING them. He LOVES his brother {seriously, he LIGHTS UP whenever Colby plays with him / holds his hand / kisses him / tickles him}. He is now sleeping in his own crib (he was in a pack-n-play in our room... but we made the big move yesterday and he's LOVING it so far!)
Life is crazy. Life is fun. Life is frustrating. Life is unpredictable. Life is AMAZING. I love it all!!!!
So... there is a quick {really, it was, I mean that was 2 years smashed into one post!} update on us. There are SO many more photos / stories / experiences..... but I'm just going to "reset" and will just keep up with the goings on from now on!
.... I am impressed if you got this far!
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